Syndicus NACON Cyber Academy (SNCA pronounced sin-suh) provides clients and their students with the most advanced training solutions known today. Not only does SNCA train individuals to gain certification, it combines with company and agency leaders to meet their business goals and/or critical missions. SNCA maintains its own VirtualOnDemand® (VOD), a proprietary set of hardware and software that allows PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS. In fact, for 20 years VOD was used to train and certify 1.7MM Army personnel in advanced networking techniques. This unique solution received ATO’s over and over due to its RMF-based system.
Syndicus NACON is proud to be an approved Licensed Training Partner (LTP) for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Accreditation Board (CyberAB). Using our VirtualOnDemand Learning Management System and cyber range, our platform offers higher knowledge and skills retention with hands-on exercises.

VirtualOnDemand® is a powerful and highly scalable cyber range engineered to enhance cybersecurity training and testing and evaluation programs.
By using our VirtualOnDemand training platform, our clients realize reduced training costs and IT resource needs. VirtualOnDemand requires only an Internet connection and modern browser
NACON Learn LMS Integration
The VirtualOnDemand® cyber range can be bundled with a Learning Management System (LMS). The cyber range can integrate with existing Learning Management Systems and ships with an API to integrate into any web-based training platform.
VirtualOnDemand® isolates the training environment to protect production resources. Malware, applications, and devices are isolated in a private cloud from production environments, while having the ability to interact with them.
VirtualOnDemand® deployments have been accredited under the Risk Management Framework (RMF) and have been deployed in classified environments.